English to English noun
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a relation that provides the foundation for something |  | Example: they were on a friendly footing he worked on an interim basis
source: wordnet30
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the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained |  | Example: the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture
source: wordnet30
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the most important or necessary part of something |  | Example: the basis of this drink is orange juice
source: wordnet30
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The foundation of anything; that on which a thing rests. |  | source: webster1913 Indonesian to Indonesian
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1 asas; dasar; 2 Mat (dl geometri) sisi yg berupa garis lurus yg terletak paling bawah (tt segitiga atau bentuk lain dl bidang; sisi yg berupa bidang datar yg terletak paling bawah (tt alas kerucut atau bangun lainnya); 3 Mat (aljabar) himpunan vektor bebas linear yg merentang pd suatu ruang vektor; 4 pangkalan (angkatan laut, angkatan darat, dsb) untuk melakukan operasi: pasukan itu menggempur -- angkatan laut musuh; 5 bilangan atau besaran yg dipakai sbg rujukan; ber·ba·sis·kan v menjadikan sesuatu sbg basis: selain partai - Islam, banyak pula partai lain yg menolak usul yg berbau SARA itu | source: kbbi3