Definisi 'married'

English to English
1 joined in matrimony Terjemahkan
a married man
a married couple
source: wordnet30
2 of or relating to the state of marriage Terjemahkan
marital status
marital fidelity
married bliss
source: wordnet30
3 Being in the state of matrimony; wedded; as, a married man or woman. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
4 a person who is married Terjemahkan
we invited several young marrieds
source: wordnet30
More Word(s)
conjoin, espouse, get hitched with, marry, marriage, matrimony, spousal relationship, union, wedlock, single, un, mated, individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, joined, united, ringed, wed,
Related Word(s)
marry, married,

Visual Synonyms