Definisi 'indurate'

English to English
1 Hardened; not soft; indurated. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
adjective satellite
2 emotionally hardened Terjemahkan
a callous indifference to suffering
cold-blooded and indurate to public opinion
source: wordnet30
3 become fixed or established Terjemahkan
indurated customs
source: wordnet30
4 make hard or harder Terjemahkan
The cold hardened the butter
source: wordnet30
5 become hard or harder Terjemahkan
The wax hardened
source: wordnet30
6 cause to accept or become hardened to; habituate Terjemahkan
He was inured to the cold
source: wordnet30
7 To make hard; as, extreme heat indurates clay; some fossils are indurated by exposure to the air. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
8 To grow hard; to harden, or become hard; as, clay indurates by drying, and by heat. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
soften, curing, hardening, set, solidification, solidifying, induration, sclerosis, callosity, callousness, harden, accustom, habituate, change, callous, cauterise, cauterize, brace oneself for, prepare for, encrust, face-harden, insensitive,

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