English to English noun
1 |
a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of motion |  | source: wordnet30
2 |
a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something |  | Example: the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves
source: wordnet30
3 |
A pointed instrument used to urge on a beast; hence, any necessity that urges or stimulates. |  | source: webster1913 verb
4 |
give heart or courage to |  | source: wordnet30
5 |
urge with or as if with a goad |  | source: wordnet30
6 |
stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick |  | source: wordnet30
7 |
goad or provoke,as by constant criticism |  | Example: He needled her with his sarcastic remarks
source: wordnet30
8 |
To prick; to drive with a goad; hence, to urge forward, or to rouse by anything pungent, severe, irritating, or inflaming; to stimulate. |  | source: webster1913