Definisi 'go on'

English to English
1 continue a certain state, condition, or activity Terjemahkan
Keep on working!
We continued to work into the night
Keep smiling
We went on working until well past midnight
source: wordnet30
2 come to pass Terjemahkan
What is happening?
The meeting took place off without an incidence
Nothing occurred that seemed important
source: wordnet30
3 move forward, also in the metaphorical sense Terjemahkan
Time marches on
source: wordnet30
4 continue talking Terjemahkan
I know it's hard,
but there is no choice
carry on--pretend we are not in the room
source: wordnet30
5 start running, functioning, or operating Terjemahkan
the lights went on
the computer came up
source: wordnet30
More Word(s)
continuance, continuation, lengthiness, prolongation, advance, discontinue, go off, draw back, move back, pull away, happening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent, hap, speak, talk, get going, go, start, act, break, develop, recrudesce, arise, come up, segue, forge, hold, bear on, carry on, continue, preserve, uphold,

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