Definisi 'ample'

English to English
1 more than enough in size or scope or capacity Terjemahkan
had ample food for the party
an ample supply
source: wordnet30
2 Large; great in size, extent, capacity, or bulk; spacious; roomy; widely extended. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
adjective satellite
3 affording an abundant supply Terjemahkan
had ample food for the party
copious provisions
food is plentiful
a plenteous grape harvest
a rich supply
source: wordnet30
4 fairly large Terjemahkan
a sizable fortune
an ample waistline
of ample proportions
source: wordnet30
More Word(s)
meager, meagerly, meagre, scrimpy, stingy, ampleness, abundance, copiousness, teemingness, plenitude, abundant, sufficient, adequacy, sufficiency, full, good, generous, big,

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