Definisi 'exhale'

English to English
1 expel air Terjemahkan
Exhale when you lift the weight
source: wordnet30
2 give out (breath or an odor) Terjemahkan
The chimney exhales a thick smoke
source: wordnet30
3 To breathe out. Hence: To emit, as vapor; to send out, as an odor; to evaporate; as, the earth exhales vapor; marshes exhale noxious effluvia. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
4 To rise or be given off, as vapor; to pass off, or vanish. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
breathing out, exhalation, expiration, halitus, breathe in, inhale, inspire, breathe, respire, suspire, take a breath, snort, blow,

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