Definisi 'energize'

English to English
1 cause to be alert and energetic Terjemahkan
Coffee and tea stimulate me
This herbal infusion doesn't stimulate
source: wordnet30
2 raise to a higher energy level Terjemahkan
excite the atoms
source: wordnet30
3 To use strength in action; to act or operate with force or vigor; to act in producing an effect. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
4 To give strength or force to; to make active; to alacrify; as, to energize the will. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
activating, activation, energizing, bracer, pick-me-up, calm, sedate, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize, affect, alter, change, modify, cathect, animate, quicken, reanimate, recreate,

Visual Synonyms