Definisi 'educate'

English to English
1 give an education to Terjemahkan
We must educate our youngsters better
source: wordnet30
2 create by training and teaching Terjemahkan
The old master is training world-class violinists
we develop the leaders for the future
source: wordnet30
3 teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment Terjemahkan
Cultivate your musical taste
Train your tastebuds
She is well schooled in poetry
source: wordnet30
4 To bring up or guide the powers of, as a child; to develop and cultivate, whether physically, mentally, or morally, but more commonly limited to the mental activities or senses; to expand, strengthen, and discipline, as the mind, a faculty, etc.; to form and regulate the principles and character of; to prepare and fit for any calling or business by systematic instruction; to cultivate; to train; to instruct; as, to educate a child; to educate the eye or the taste. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
education, didactics, educational activity, instruction, instruct, learn, teach, ameliorate, amend, down, retrain, drill, house-train, housebreak, toilet-train, socialise, sophisticate, build up, develop, prepare, train, groom,

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