Definisi 'come on'

English to English
1 appear or become visible; make a showing Terjemahkan
She turned up at the funeral
I hope the list key is going to surface again
source: wordnet30
2 move towards Terjemahkan
We were approaching our destination
They are drawing near
The enemy army came nearer and nearer
source: wordnet30
3 develop in a positive way Terjemahkan
He progressed well in school
My plants are coming along
Plans are shaping up
source: wordnet30
4 start running, functioning, or operating Terjemahkan
the lights went on
the computer came up
source: wordnet30
5 occur or become available Terjemahkan
water or electricity came on again after the earthquake
source: wordnet30
More Word(s)
go off, regress, retrograde, retrogress, approach, approaching, coming, advancement, advance, go on, march on, move on, pass on, develop, begin, commence, get, get down, climb, leapfrog, drive up, bear down on, bear down upon, come near,

Visual Synonyms