Definisi 'syllable'

English to English
1 a unit of spoken language larger than a phoneme Terjemahkan
the word `pocket' has two syllables
source: wordnet30
2 An elementary sound, or a combination of elementary sounds, uttered together, or with a single effort or impulse of the voice, and constituting a word or a part of a word. In other terms, it is a vowel or a diphtong, either by itself or flanked by one or more consonants, the whole produced by a single impulse or utterance. One of the liquids, l, m, n, may fill the place of a vowel in a syllable. Adjoining syllables in a word or phrase need not to be marked off by a pause, but only by such an abatement and renewal, or reënforcement, of the stress as to give the feeling of separate impulses. See Guide to Pronunciation, §275. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
3 To pronounce the syllables of; to utter; to articulate. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
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