English to English noun
1 |
a facial expression of contempt or scorn; the upper lip curls | | source: wordnet30
2 |
a contemptuous or scornful remark | | source: wordnet30
3 |
The act of sneering. | | source: webster1913 verb
4 |
express through a scornful smile | | Example: she sneered her contempt
source: wordnet30
5 |
smile contemptuously | | Example: she sneered at her little sister's efforts to play the song on the piano
source: wordnet30
6 |
To show contempt by turning up the nose, or by a particular facial expression. | | source: webster1913
7 |
To utter with a grimace or contemptuous expression; to utter with a sneer; to say sneeringly; as, to sneer fulsome lies at a person. | | source: webster1913