Definisi 'beautify'

English to English
1 make more beautiful Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
2 be beautiful to look at Terjemahkan
Flowers adorned the tables everywhere
source: wordnet30
3 make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc. Terjemahkan
Decorate the room for the party
beautify yourself for the special day
source: wordnet30
4 To make or render beautiful; to add beauty to; to adorn; to deck; to grace; to embellish. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
5 To become beautiful; to advance in beauty. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
uglify, beautification, beauty, decoration, adornment, ameliorate, amend, better, improve, meliorate, alter, be, groom, neaten, curry, dress, wreathe, ornament,

Visual Synonyms