Definisi 'palliate'

English to English
1 Covered with a mant&?;e; cloaked; disguised. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
2 lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of Terjemahkan
The circumstances extenuate the crime
source: wordnet30
3 provide physical relief, as from pain Terjemahkan
This pill will relieve your headaches
source: wordnet30
4 To cover with a mantle or cloak; to cover up; to hide. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
alleviation, easement, easing, relief, palliation, jurisprudence, law, ameliorate, amend, better, improve, meliorate, apologise, soothe, comfort, ease,

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