Definisi 'optic'

English to English
1 of or relating to or resembling the eye Terjemahkan
ocular muscles
an ocular organ
ocular diseases
the optic (or optical) axis of the eye
an ocular spot is a pigmented organ or part believed to be sensitive to light
source: wordnet30
2 relating to or using sight Terjemahkan
ocular inspection
an optical illusion
visual powers
visual navigation
source: wordnet30
3 Of or pertaining to vision or sight. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
4 the organ of sight Terjemahkan
source: wordnet30
5 The organ of sight; an eye. Terjemahkan
source: webster1913
More Word(s)
oculist, optometrist, eye, eyeball, ocular, oculus, sight, vision, visual modality, visual sense, colloquialism, receptor, sense organ, sensory receptor, naked eye, peeper, oculus dexter, od, oculus sinister, choroid, choroid coat, ciliary body, eyelid, lid, visual system, face, human face,

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