Definisi 'lemon'
English to English noun
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yellow oval fruit with juicy acidic flesh | | source: wordnet30
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a strong yellow color | | source: wordnet30
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a small evergreen tree that originated in Asia but is widely cultivated for its fruit | | source: wordnet30
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a distinctive tart flavor characteristic of lemons | | source: wordnet30
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an artifact (especially an automobile) that is defective or unsatisfactory | | source: wordnet30
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An oval or roundish fruit resembling the orange, and containing a pulp usually intensely acid. It is produced by a tropical tree of the genus Citrus, the common fruit known in commerce being that of the species C. Limonum or C. Medica (var. Limonum). There are many varieties of the fruit, some of which are sweet. | | source: webster1913 Indonesian to Indonesian source: kbbi3
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warna kuning muda; -- sekuas minuman yg dibuat dr jenis buah lemon, gula, dan air soda | source: kbbi3